Also Known as Trout Worms, Dew Worms, Belgium Worms, Euroworm and More...
Cupped Bait Worms -16 Cups..24 Worms per cup
Cupped Bait Worms - 32 Cups..24 Worms per cup
You choose between 32 Cups or 16 cup quantities- European Bait Worms, 24 worms/cup with weight between 1.75 and 2.0 grams each. Air vents are in the side of these special cups so they can be stored upside down without choking off the oxygen supply. Store at room temperature or in refrigerator. Shelf life from 3 to 5 weeks. Beautifully printed cups!
These bait worms are smaller than the Canadian Night Crawler, but they are livlier on a hook, do not require refrigeration, and live longer on your shelves and in the water!
$38.30 for 16 Cups. Includes shipping via USPS Priority Mail!! That's only $2.39 per cup!
$71 for 32 cups.Includes shipping via USPS Priority Mail!!! That's just $2.21 per cup!