pH Meters and pH Testers for testing the pH of your worm bins, beds and cultures.  We have decided to carry three different kinds to suit your needs.  All pH meters listed are in stock!  Scroll down for more on the pH of your worm beds and bins.

pHtestermin.jpeg (494262 bytes) Mini pH Tester Meter. All you need.  Tests the acidity of soil in you worm bin and garden.  Enables you to alter soil conditions.  No batteries required.  You can use over and over! Detailed Instructions Included. Shipping included! $14.40

Shipping Included In This Price $14.40 Mini Ph Meter

Testers and the proper Limestone for testing and correcting pH of worm beds.  Do not use hydrated lime, or pellet-type lime because it will kill the worms.

pHsoiltester.jpeg (472827 bytes) pH Soil Tester and a pound of powdered Limestone.  Comes with 10 pH test capsules, complete instructions for adjusting soil pH and a pH preference list for over 450 species of plants.  One pound of lime will last for a couple of months with a  worm bin like the ones we have listed here.

$11.25 Shipping included!


soilcheckclip.jpeg (499641 bytes) Soil Check Single Test, and one pound of powdered limestone.  Comes with instructions and list of pH for plants. One pound of lime will last for a couple of months with a  worm bin like the ones we have listed here.

$7.50 delivered!

One quart of powdered limestone for your worm beds and garden.  With instructions.

$9.95 Delivered!


6.0 to 7.0 is Good pH for worms.  pH Over 7.0 or under 6.0 can be dangerous for composting worms like Red Worms, European Night Crawlers and other composting worms.

  The pH of your worm bed should read approximately 7.0.  The higher the pH the more alkaline your bedding is, and the lower the pH the more acidic it is.  pH can be controlled in several ways.  The easiest way is to have a bag of powdered limestone on hand. You can get this here on this site, or in a feed or garden store. Water the beds, but do not soak, sprinkle the limestone on the top of the bedding and let it absorb some water.  Once the water is absorbed by the limestone you can mix it in.  Mixing the limestone in dry can cause the worms to burn.  You will notice that the worms will writhe around in pain and then will die if the dry limestone powder touches them.  Once the powder is wet just mix it in and then check the pH.  If it is still too acidic repeat the process. Another way to control acid is to turn the bedding weekly.  The aeration process seems to decrease the acid thus increasing pH.    Feeding products like egg shells will also help reduce the acid levels. 

    Acid forms in the worm bed when too much grain or wheat based foods are fed to the worms.  Try to use scraps of food that do not contain wheat or pulverized corn products.  Too much wheat based or corn based products will sour the bedding and cause acid formation.  High acid levels can also cause the formation of mites in the worm bed. A small population of mites is normal in worm beds, but a large population can indicate a high acid condition.